I'm going to try to be more consistent with this whole blogging thing...I mean, it's been a great way to force me to organize my thoughts, to get them out onto (digital) paper. Right now, I'm rather overwhelmed - just like in my last blog post (I guess that's the only time there's actually stuff to write about :)
Anyways, I'm back at Lifetouch, a huge photography company. I worked with them before I went to HQ in Oak Brook, and have come full circle. My dad is a manager with the company, and needed some help for the summer, so here I am. The first time, I worked as a team with my brother - I did the photography, and he did the sales. For the summer, I'm going to be a "Photography Sales Specialist" - doing both the photography and the sales. Since I've done this before, I don't think the photography will be too much - the sales part, on the other hand, is kind of overwhelming. I know it will take some time to get used to the whole spiel, but I sure hope it's not too long.
Last week was my first week on commission – I think it went pretty well. I’m learning a lot about photography – what to watch out for, and what people like in their portraits. I’m learning how to deal with people – accentuate the positive and minimize the negative.
I learned that I wasn’t accepted to National Taiwan University for the fall semester, but I did get a scholarship to study Chinese for 3 months sometime next year. It’ll be great to get back to Taiwan, visit friends, and focus on Chinese. I’m not sure where I’ll be going yet, just that it’ll be from March – June of 2010.
I haven’t had time to get out my camera – I’ve been too busy taking people’s portraits.<g> Seriously, this job has been taking a lot of time, which has been tough, but I know this is what I’m supposed to be doing for now.
Other than that, not much happening - just "trusting, obeying, and waiting"
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